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Dr. William Henry Drummond Poetry Contest Deadline

Dr. William Henry Drummond Poetry Contest

Deadline for Received Submissions: Friday April 19, 2019

Cash prizes total $1,600

  1. Residency: All entrants must be Canadian residents or landed immigrants.

  2. Poems: Poems must be titled, previously unpublished, and typed in black ink one per page on 8.5 x 11-inch white bond paper. Poems are not to exceed 50 lines in length, including the title. Space between title and any paragraph are counted as one line. So please count these lines carefully. Line length exceeding 44 characters including punctuation and spaces may be broken. Once a line has to be broken because of its length, it will count as two lines. Do not put your name on the pages your poems are typed on. This is a blind judging contest and the judge will not know your name. Your envelope with your entry (or entries) to the contest should include:

  3. Entry Identification: The cover page containing your name, address, telephone number, email address and Poem Title(s), a cheque or money order for $10.00 per poem submitted. Make cheques out to Spring Pulse Poetry Festival (please do not send cash by mail). If you’re entering more than one poem, one cheque for the whole total is fine. When your envelope has these items, address it to:

    Dr. William Henry Drummond Poetry Contest
    P.O. Box 247
    Cobalt, Ontario P0J 1C0

We also accept digital submissions emailed to Please use “Drummond Poetry Contest” as the subject line.

By entering the contest, you are giving first Canadian rights for publication in the anthology of winning poems. You are free to market your poem(s) in other places, but inform them if it has appeared in this anthology. First ($300), Second ($200), and Third ($100) place winners. Eight prizes of $75 each will be awarded for the honorable mention category. Eight prizes of $50 will be given for the Judges choice. Decision of the judge is final. All those chosen by the judge to be included in the anthology will receive a certificate and a complimentary copy of the anthology.

Send contest email queries to: David Brydges, administrator at